Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Welcome to Grant County

               We went to Grant County to work in unassigned territory of May 2012. And did we have fun or what!!!!. This is the lovely scenery we saw for two weeks. It made me feel free, on top of world; but also made me feel 'watched' all the time. I felt I had to watch my back. I was glad to get back in my mountains and feel 'safe' again. I had my privacy again. Anyway, why run away with my feelings. I'm here to show you what we did in Grant County.

                 An eye level look at the wheat and a cloudy sky. It makes an interesting pic. (Don't ask me why, but I was so hoping for a storm to come sweeping across those blue skies.)
                 This was our first lunch on our first day of service. Peanut butter and jelly, the best! There was 17 in our group, made up of friends and family. Here in this pic, from left to right, is : Ethan, Misty, Rebekah(behind Misty,you can just see her head), Morgan, Sydney, Caleb, Mama (Kasha), and Jonathan. Daddy, or Darren, is looking over maps in the truck, and I, of course, am taking the picture. So convenient for me:) 

               Here is Daddy, telling us where to go to knock on doors, explaining the boundaries.

                 Of course we had to pick the flowers! They were beautiful! I wish Bachelor Buttons grew here at home. Blue, pink, purple, pink-and-white flowers covered the roadsides.

                  We stayed at the Great Salt Lake. After going out all day stuffed in the truck like sardines with 100 degree + heat outside, not to mention if you were smashed against the window in those 'beautiful' sun rays; we decided to go swimming.

                     The cool thing about this lake is that it seemed to never get deep. See those dots in the middle of the lake? Yep, that's us. Don't panic! It's not even up to my shoulders, and I'm only 5'. It was weird to walk way out there and turn around and see how far away shore was. Poor Caleb wanted to be out there, too.

                      But as you can see, he found something to do.

                      This is the dam. Our campsite is just on the other side.

This is a good overview of the lake from up on the dam.

                  The top of the dam is colored with bight flowers.

                  Not only did we find pretty flowers, but life waiting to hatch and see the world.

                      Another day in service and look at what we found!

                      The poor truck driver had evidently miss judged the road or the ability of his loaded semi. Misty and Sydney went to see if there was anyone around to preach to, but the area was vacant.

               In the town of Pond Creek, we seen a gorgeous sight, a garden of Lupines(if I remember correctly).  The man was very nice and generous, for when Sydney complimented him on his flowers, he said to give him her address and he would send her seeds when they went to seed. And surprise, he sent her a ton of them! She was also very kind and gave some to me. She is a very, very, very good friend. I can't wait to plant my little seeds and see what grows!

                  That day, we had some sisters from the Enid Cong. join us. Very sweet sisters.  The night before we left, in fact, we went to dinner at Kim's house(the sis in the bright blue shirt). Every year, she gathers together single sisters to go on unassigned territory in states such as Montana. Married sisters are strictly not allowed. I hope very much to go some day.
                   Another experience when I myself was present, was also in Pond Creek. An elderly woman had invited Misty and me into her house. She told us about everything, along with her life story, which was hilarious. Poor woman, she had 8 boys. She had an affectionate tom cat, who apparently did not know what his litter box was for. When Misty was finally able to talk and give the woman a 'Bible Teach' book, she was so appreciative. She had us both write our names in the book and had Misty write her address. A few weeks later, Misty received a card from her expressing her thanks. It was great.

                    This is a Round Barn, literally. I was told that the farmer leases it out for free, and sometimes the Witness's get together a barn dance. Sounds fun!

            A view from the front, taken from inside the suburban looking through our dirty windshield. 

                       There were wind mills everywhere up there. I loved it. Another thing I loved was all the old barns. Everywhere there would be a spectacular barn. I've been wanting a barn for a long time now, and it just made so sad to see that half of them was about fall for lack of repair. But then, that almost added to the serene air about them. 

                    There was a huge rosebush out at the campground that was covered in these precious light pink roses. We weren't the only ones who liked them, the bees I think was the biggest fans.

             I think out of all the pics I took, these are some of favorite. This Baltimore Oriole(I think it is anyway) was in the bush-OK fine! He was in the tree next to our camper. He was gathering up sticks, grass, anything that building material. I don't know if he really was building a nest, but he was definitely eye catching. 

              Well, I'm going to get off of here, but next time I'll show you the Glass Mountains. They were pretty cool.                                                                   


  1. These pictures are incredible. They look like they should be in a magazine.

  2. Thank you! We had fun with the camera.
