Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Series-The Way the West Was Built

The poem that you are about to read is one of a series that I wrote. The Title "The Way the West was Built" should explain itself. Here is Part 1.

Part 1-The Race

The silence of the sweltering heat of the desert was broken,
Hoofs beat like thunder,
A rifle cracks out.
A cowboy comes riding furiously across the desert,
Sweat pours from his tan and weathered face,
A face that streaked with sweat and dirt,
A face that showed no emotion.
But with his jaw clenched tightly,
And his blue eyes like icy fire,
Madness and conviction shown through.

With strength he grips the worn out leather of the reins.
And pushes onward a fiery red mustang.
The mustang's hoofs pound hard upon the ground of the desert.
His tail flies wildly in the hot wind.

Across the desert they race,
Winding through cactus,
Sliding down sand drifts,
And climbing up steep cliffs.

Suddenly from behind there's a horrendous Boom!
From a black and shining pistol.
Away the cowboy rides unharmed from the shot,
Onward the enemy rides waiting for another chance.
Both cowboy and outlaw ride furiously,
Both horses hoofs beat faster,
This is The Way The West was Built.

By Rebekah

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