Friday, April 26, 2013

Around the Ranch

                                           Show ya'll some places and things 'round the ranch!
First we'll start with what's been happenin' 'round here. This is my Brother and Dad bulldozin' some much needed brush and trees down. My Dad showed me how to drive the bulldozer and you would be surprised at how much power is in that machine. After I drove it I sat on the side and watched my dad drive and he kept telling me to hold on for dear life or I WILL FALL, so can you imagine what I was doing.
  Our 'tater patch, I had just helped my Granpa plow the sides of them to help with moisture.
They are lookin' good!

These are the horses, Dakota and Penny. Dakota (below) is a nine year old throughbred who used to race, and he did win a few, but not enough to keep him in the races.

This is Penny, she's a 3 year old quater horse with an attitude problem.
 My ranch boots that I can't go without!

 My sister's "baby" Sunny.

These are a few of our Yearlin's goin' to get fed.

 Our butcher steer whom we call Mr.Darcy. He is half Jersey and half black limousine.
He's chowin' down!

This is Mr. Darcy's mama, Milly. She is are Jersey milk cow that I've been milking for 5 years now.
She is bagged up and ready to be milked for the evenin'.

The little squirt is trying to eat early.
  Isn't she cute! She isn't Milly's calf but a calf that we pulled off of an old cow. Milly's calf, Spades, died a few weeks ago of Coccidiosis or Bloody scours.

The sun is goin' down behind the squirt.
This is the pond beside our house.
And this is the western sky of Oklahoma!
I love the hay barn, it is one of my favorite places on the ranch, a great place to think and relax.

Don't you love old ranch fences?!

Spring flowers have started to brave the cold that's been hangin' on.
This is "the ole' house" where my dad grew up. No one lives there anymore.
The moon came up full and bright! I hope ya'll enjoyed the peek into our ranch!

                    Rebekah Owens

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