Thursday, March 28, 2013


I have had an experince, one that when living on a ranch you can't really avoid.
        Yesterday me and my sister went over to my Aunt and Uncle's, Brandon and Melissa, to help them work cows.  Me, Melissa,and Brandon was in a small pen filled with cows and we were seperating the calves from the cows. Suddenly I slipped on cow poop and as I've heard, since I got knocked plumb out, I hit a cows rear and she kicked me right above the temple. All that I remember is slipping and then waking up with Brandon and Melissa both holding me.

             So far I have only had a slight concussion. I went ahead and helped Brandon work cows, after putting ice on my head for 15 minutes, and then helped work most of our cows today and now I'am resting.
Now I have been to the doctor and had a CT Scan done and they siad that I had a Contussion, which is slightly bruised brain cells.

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