Monday, August 5, 2013

Hay Season

Welp, the reason that we ain't been posting on this here blog is because we've been real busy in the hay field. This year we custom baled, which means that we go and do other peoples hay for them and we get payed. So because of all the extra fields, we have been in the field a whole lot! My brother Jon mows the hay, Me and my Sister rake it, my Dad bales it, and when its square bales me and my dad haul it, when its round bales my dad and me or my brother haul it. Hay season is fun for the first of the summer and then it becomes work. Were almost done now, almost!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My Cousins Graduation

Hey Ya'll! Been a long time. June remained busy just as May was. One thing we did is go to my cousin Courtney's graduation party. It was in the theme of Decades, It went really well and we had a blast. Here's some pictures ( beware it seems that I'am not photogenic).
                                           My Sister Bethany. Dressing in This decade.

                                 Me dressing in the 40's and my cousin Jessica as the 50's.
                                                       I looked better in the mirror.

And here's the Graduate, Courtney she dressed as the 70's.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Oklahoma Tornado

What has happened in the tornado ally is heart-breaking.24 died, 242 hospitalized, over 38,000 without power not including ones that don't live in Oklahoma City, 2 schools, hundreds of homes, and a hospital destroyed. While I was watching the news I almost started crying. I live approx.5 hours from the tornado's trail of destruction  in southeast Oklahoma, and the storm hit here as well, but thankfully we did not have anything but strong wind, heavy rain, lightning and thunder, and loss of electricity. I know that there is so much help up there but you can't help but feel the need to help.
Picture of the Moore Tornado


Friday, April 26, 2013

Around the Ranch

                                           Show ya'll some places and things 'round the ranch!
First we'll start with what's been happenin' 'round here. This is my Brother and Dad bulldozin' some much needed brush and trees down. My Dad showed me how to drive the bulldozer and you would be surprised at how much power is in that machine. After I drove it I sat on the side and watched my dad drive and he kept telling me to hold on for dear life or I WILL FALL, so can you imagine what I was doing.
  Our 'tater patch, I had just helped my Granpa plow the sides of them to help with moisture.
They are lookin' good!

These are the horses, Dakota and Penny. Dakota (below) is a nine year old throughbred who used to race, and he did win a few, but not enough to keep him in the races.

This is Penny, she's a 3 year old quater horse with an attitude problem.
 My ranch boots that I can't go without!

 My sister's "baby" Sunny.

These are a few of our Yearlin's goin' to get fed.

 Our butcher steer whom we call Mr.Darcy. He is half Jersey and half black limousine.
He's chowin' down!

This is Mr. Darcy's mama, Milly. She is are Jersey milk cow that I've been milking for 5 years now.
She is bagged up and ready to be milked for the evenin'.

The little squirt is trying to eat early.
  Isn't she cute! She isn't Milly's calf but a calf that we pulled off of an old cow. Milly's calf, Spades, died a few weeks ago of Coccidiosis or Bloody scours.

The sun is goin' down behind the squirt.
This is the pond beside our house.
And this is the western sky of Oklahoma!
I love the hay barn, it is one of my favorite places on the ranch, a great place to think and relax.

Don't you love old ranch fences?!

Spring flowers have started to brave the cold that's been hangin' on.
This is "the ole' house" where my dad grew up. No one lives there anymore.
The moon came up full and bright! I hope ya'll enjoyed the peek into our ranch!

                    Rebekah Owens

Thursday, March 28, 2013


I have had an experince, one that when living on a ranch you can't really avoid.
        Yesterday me and my sister went over to my Aunt and Uncle's, Brandon and Melissa, to help them work cows.  Me, Melissa,and Brandon was in a small pen filled with cows and we were seperating the calves from the cows. Suddenly I slipped on cow poop and as I've heard, since I got knocked plumb out, I hit a cows rear and she kicked me right above the temple. All that I remember is slipping and then waking up with Brandon and Melissa both holding me.

             So far I have only had a slight concussion. I went ahead and helped Brandon work cows, after putting ice on my head for 15 minutes, and then helped work most of our cows today and now I'am resting.
Now I have been to the doctor and had a CT Scan done and they siad that I had a Contussion, which is slightly bruised brain cells.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


                                 I 've been cooking on this beautiful March day. And this is what I've baked-
Reese's Chewy Chocolate Cookies
Don't they look deliciously delectable. I enjoy eating them as much as I do cooking them.
The Recipe is:                                                              
2 Cups Flour                                                        
3/4 Cup Cocoa                                                             
1 Teaspoon Baking Soda                                                
2 1/2 Sticks of Butter                                                     
2 Cups Sugar                                                                   
2 Eggs                              
2 Teaspoons Vanilla                                                     
1 2/3 Cups of Reese's Peanut Butter Chips                         
                                     1. Heat oven to 350.
                                     2.Stir together flour, baking soda, cocoa,
                                     3.Beat butter and sugar in separate bowl until fluffy.
                                     4. Add eggs and vanilla.
                                     5. Gradually add flour mixture.
                                     6.Stir in peanut butter chips.
                                     7.Make cookies and bake until puffed yet moist.(Careful they are easy to burn since
                                         they already look dark.)

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Glass Mountains

              On a Monday, we had a field trip day. We went to the salt plains were you can dig the salt crystals. Us kids were really wanting to dig, but we were on our way to the Glass Mount. and it had just rained, so it was really muddy. You know how moms are when you show up in town covered with mud.

                  The salt on top of the ground was really cool. The Dig Area was roped off and ever so often, they would move it so that the salt crystals would have time to form.

                    We was at least able to get out and walk around. The wind so blowing pretty hard...

...and it was pretty cold.

                 The boys loaded up their bikes in the back of the truck. They had fun wheelin' around on the salt plain.


                 We finally got our first look at the famous Glass Mountains.

And for being in the middle of 'flat no-where', they were really impressive.

The colors of the res dirt and the dark green of the cedar
trees were an interesting contrast. I tried painting it, but it look more like a volcano. Impressionist painting. It was the way my mind saw it and the way it told my hand to put it on canvas. The jagged lines appealed to my eye differently than the more smooth lines, rolling hills, do here at home. The horizon the same height of the mount. itself made it had to tell distance in my painting also.   

This crooked one was the model for my painting. I took it specially for a painting. 

The view was like this all the way around. It was beautiful.

Again, I am missing from the pics. I have a way of get the 
camera and keeping it, leaving myself unobserved.

Sydney will probably hate me for this pic, and putting it 
on here, but I love it!

(I'm still trying to find out how to turn pics right side up.)
This is the flowering plant life up on the Glass Mount. You should have seen me trying to get the camera to focus right, keep the flowers still with the wind blowing, keeping my hair out of the pic, etc. It was hilarious. I really liked the white ones with the yellow centers. They were so elegant and perfect.

Why do boys find it so fun to climb the dirt pile, then run and jump? (Though I'll admit, I still climb the dirt piles:)) Just like baby calves. Daddy pushes up all the manure out from around the hay rings when it gets about knee deep and as soon as it dries a little, you'll walk down there and all the baby calves are up on that dirt pile.